There are two mantras - yum and yuck.  I choose yum.                 Tom Robbins

There are two mantras - yum and yuck.  I choose yum.                 Tom Robbins



Glenna is a respected and long-time contributor in the Colorado community. Her expertise and passion is in developing leaders with a special focus on emerging leaders. She is a talented facilitator with an ability to lead teams with divergent perspectives to a shared purpose and plan.  Having coached and mentored teams and individuals for over 25 years, she is adept at moving people quickly towards their vision.

Most recently, Glenna served as the President and CEO of the Colorado Education Initiative whose mission is to accelerate educational improvement and innovation throughout Colorado.  Glenna led the organization through strategic alignment and planning ensuring a strong foundation from which to continue the organization’s position as a leader in the Colorado education community.

Prior to this, Glenna served as the President and CEO of Denver Kids, Inc for 6 years, during which time she led the organization in developing their 2020 Vision and Promise - a bold vow to increase the Denver Public Schools graduation rate by the year 2020.  During her time, Denver Kids experienced significant growth increasing from a $1.2 mm to a $3.5mm budget leading to an increase in the number of students served - doubling from 700 to 1,400 annually.

Glenna served as a consultant to Denver Public Schools and led the Manual High School re-design process before joining then Superintendent Michael Bennet, as a Special Assistant to the Superintendent.  She was instrumental in developing school/community partnerships for the District including such initiatives as the City/DPS Collaborative Partnership, Youth Mentoring Collaborative and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership.

Glenna founded two non-profits including Colorado Youth at Risk, serving nine years as executive director.  Prior to this she worked in marketing, first at HBO and then Fox Sports Net as Director of Marketing and Promotions.  

Glenna has served on multiple boards and committees but is most proud to have mentored over a dozen young women.  In 2014, she was named a Livingston Fellow, a prestigious fellowship under the Bonfils Stanton Foundation and in 2016, the Colorado Women’s Chamber named her one of Colorado’s Top 25 Most Powerful Women.  Her goal is to nail a handstand in every country she visits.  Currently, she is at seven with another in route at 30,000 feet.


Almost thirty years of transformational program design and delivery, a background in classical and applied psychology, and specialization in group dynamics and dialogue makes Michael an expert resource for any learning initiative. He has personally coached hundreds of people worldwide.   He is the Co-Founder and the Co-Director of Critical Mass Leadership Education, Inc. (known worldwide as Boldleaders), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to guiding people in having an experience of impacting  and influencing their environment.   Michael has led programs ranging from conflict resolution, leadership development, civic engagement, diversity & inclusion to organizational management, effective communication and project design and completion. His work spans anything from single and multi-day trainings with school districts, corporate groups and non-profits to year-long projects with the U.S.  Department of State.

Michael's passion for the transformational  power of conflict has led him to work with  people from the Caribbean, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Central Europe. He has managed to work his way through three passports and is proudly filling up number four. Michael claims that since he has spent most of his time with young people from around the world, he is in real touch with the Millennial Generation (on four continents), and is old enough to have spent real time with Generation X.  Michael does his best to avoid the fact he is a Baby Boomer himself.  He is  the proud father of two GenXer’s and two Millennials, plus a grandfather of three Generation Alpha. 

And no he won’t do handstands like the G, yet he is very proud to be her partner and feels no remorse when people reference him as the guy married to Glenna. 

Awards, Recognition and Publishing  
Michael has received numerous awards and recognitions, including the Ying Cai Award (One who Honors Learning) by the staff and administration of a Denver high school and the World Leader Causing World Leaders Award by a school’s student council. Michael was named a recipient of the Minoru Yasui City of Denver Award for Community Service and was awarded a Lifetime Achievement prize  by Colorado Youth At Risk. Michael is co-author of the Ten Minute Manager,  a guide for mentors of young people and the soon to be released Mind the Gap Facilitator’s Guide (working title), co-authored with the brilliant thought partner, Brady Rhodes (let's be honest - Brady did most of the writing). He is currently working on a guidebook for people looking to manage, mentor, mother or just do most things well, titled The Good Book.