We help you get results that matter most to you.


What we offer


Executive and Team Coaching 

Boards, CEO’s and executive teams committed to producing results must also be committed to their own development.  Like players on the field, a leader can’t always see mistakes and opportunities while playing the game.  This is where performance coaching is critical.  A coach can be invaluable in observing, questioning and providing play options.  GForce Strategies provides leadership and performance coaching to support boards, CEO’s and executive teams in prospering and having a profound impact on the organizations they serve.  


We start  by asking three simple questions.  What do you feel deeply inspired by?  What are you particularly talented at doing?  What do you think your world needs?  We then work on the articulation of a future that inspires and motivates you, a plan to achieve this future and identifying challenges that may stop you from reaching this desired future state.

Strategy Design

GForce Strategies draws upon proven facilitation techniques to co-create high impact strategic and fund-development plans as well as essential tools to most effectively implement.   It's not enough to create the plan - success measures and benchmarks are critical to know if you're making progress. The end result is a simple and elegant plan that includes meaningful outcomes, performance indicators, and the creation of organizational habits that ensure disciplined execution. 

Leadership Transitions 

If your organization is preparing for a leadership transition, we'll help you develop a comprehensive succession process including assessing your leadership bench, building a pipeline of leadership talent, providing interim CEO support when it makes strategic sense, and the creation of a robust and collaborative search process.  

We don't stop there.  

When you've chosen your next leader, we'll help you put together a thoughtful on-boarding and professional development plan for the new CEO and the board to make sure that this critical transition is successful. 

Organizational Culture

It has been said that "culture eats strategy for breakfast, lunch and dinner."  You have a culture whether it is intentional or one that has simply evolved (or devolved) into its present state. The best strategic plans are often sabotaged if you don't have a clear pulse on your organizational culture and a focus on articulating a vibrant and intentional one.   Find out how your culture influences every thing you do and design one that ensures successful execution of plans and a satisfied and highly functional team.

Board Development

Boards are critical in creating high performing organizations.  GForce Strategies will conduct a rigorous assessment of board effectiveness and develop a plan to strengthen performance and relationships.  At the heart of it is the relationship between a board and the CEO. Alignment on role clarity, communication and evaluation are the building blocks needed for a healthy CEO/Board partnership.