Posts tagged Strategic Questioning
Beautiful Questions

Always the beautiful answer
Who asks a more beautiful question.
E.E. Cummings

  1. How do we support organizations and people to thrive?

  2. Why do transitions have to be so difficult?

  3. Why do we conduct executive leadership searches in the social sector the way we do and why aren't we more successful?

  4. How might we narrow our work/life to focus only on the essentials... What are my essentials?

I have a new field guide - like any good field guide, it is tattered, marked-up and faithfully at my side. A More Beautiful Question - written by Warren Berger explores the power of inquiry and how deeply and thoughtfully using the art of questioning can lead to breakthrough solutions to challenging problems, innovative new ideas and unimagined opportunities. It is a go to source now as we navigate interesting and tricky challenges posed to us by our clients and for GForce Strategies.

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